Mr. Ryoichi Tsuchimura is 42 year old from Japan who is the victim, together with the two captured, lady boys suspects: Mr. Jaroen Munkong is 25 year old from Petchaboon and Mr. Jantakarn Somprandee is 18 year old from Lampang .
Mr. Jamlong, the motorbike taxi rider said, that before incident occurred as he was sitting and waiting for passengers in front of Tops supermarket and he saw Mr. Ryoichi Tsuchimura walked pass and then the 2 lady boys.
Moments later Mr. Jantakarn offered sexual services to Mr. Ryoichi and started molesting him while pick pocketing him.
Then Mr. Jantakarn tried to escape by running away to the motorbike where Mr. Jaroen his friend was waiting. But instead got caught by Mr. Jamlong.
Thereafter the victim found that his wallet was gone missing with 6,000 THB cash.
The 2 suspects lady boys were detained and the police checked their criminal history and found that they were part of gang of lady boys cruising around and looking for foreign tourists to pickpocket on Pattaya beach and second Pattaya road.
The 2 lady boys have been charged with theft and are waiting prosecution.